Forests are home to 80% of life on Earth.
Coach4Planet wants to be a global movement of coaches protecting the planet by planting trees

What would it take for coaches to have a leadership role in protecting the planet?
- Could coaches create a global movement planting 10 million trees in 3 years?
- Could coaches raise awareness of communities and companies to plant trees together?
- How easy and fun could it be to plant trees with your family, kids, friends, and clients?
- What would it take for coaches to have a leadership role in protecting the planet?
Inspired by these questions, Coach4Planet wants to be a global movement of coaches protecting the planet by planting trees and catalyzing synergies to achieve the next level tipping point for tree planting.





Give the gift of trees and positively impact generations!
Coach4Planet partners with One Tree Planted projects around the world. We invite you to join our Giving campaign and mobilize our tree-planting movement as coaches.
Plant your own tree or plant one for your clients, friends, and family by donating!

Why do We need trees ?
Thanks to their respiration and photosynthesis processes, trees help fight climate warming by absorbing carbon dioxide and helping to clean the air, taking in pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides.

Release regenerative ripples
The implications could be environmental, social, political, and financial given the number of coaches potentially involved and the impact this movement could have.
- Engage coaches and building a global community making a shared commitment to plant trees will create momentum and raise awareness about climate change, following Peter Hawkins’ Eco-Phase Cycle.
- As suggested by Daniel Christian Wahl we achieve a 3 level WIN-WIN-WIN culture, where individual, collective and planet all benefit.
- Create opportunities and training on how to go about planting trees and build awareness about its impact will create powerful ripple effects.Involve local communities and a social marketing campaign to shares stories, engage people at an emotional level and generate a tipping point to sustain.
Engage communities of impact
- Sustaining the tipping point occurs through several process, including the application of coaching capability to organizations and people everywhere that listens actively and evokes awareness so everyone cultivates learning and growth in their relationship with planetary wellbeing.
- Multiply our impact through partnership with organizations planting trees globally and locally like ZeroCO2 which will support our first Coach4Planet forest.

Coach4Planet Climate World Cafè
In this session led by Janet, Silvia and Leslie, you can expect to: 1. Experience co-creation that inspires engage and act energy for participants to implement post-session and share with others as a “Daily Doing” tool kit. 2. Acquire perspective about the…
Where is the Coach4Planet Forest?
Take a look at the map to see where trees in the Coach4Planet forest have been planted.